Six Quick Simple Local SEO Tips For Success In 2024 – Tip 4

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Prioritise Long Tail Keywords for Quicker Conversion Value.

Your secret weapon for SEO success!

Why are keywords so important?

In the online landscape, keywords guide customers to your business.

  • Quality over quantity!
  • Embed your brand in Google review links.
  • Opt for the right keyword domain URL and minimize modifications.


Many companies initially target the higher volume yet very competitive keyword options.

If you have a growing or new business, look at the longer keyword versions first with less competition. Longtail normally implies 3 to 5 keywords.

Ranking for these or targeting them through paid Ad campaigns will give you a higher chance of initial success and help generate those first income streams.

Success with longtails also provides a foundation for building traction on those competitive terms that will take a much longer time to convert.

Also bear in mind, a longtail strategy normally drives in more focussed relevant traffic because the searchers intent is more clearly defined. So basically less work, higher conversion rates.


  • Mac Headshot

    Mac McCarthy has been involved in the digital marketing field for over 20 years, having worked with the Jeeves, Alta Vista and Yahoo search engines in the early 90s through to the modern current day Google and Bing platforms.

    A keen follower of search engine algorithm updates and trends, he works and advises on digital strategies for a variety on SME’s and more recently the World Wildlife Fund, the single largest animal welfare charity in the world.

    Qualifications include Google Advanced Analytics, Google Ads, Google Search and the Google Partnership Program.

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